Music, TV, and intellectual property all have the potential of influencing what content we consume and what technology we use to go about our daily lives. And because all three of these are huge, established, and complex industries, they are ripe for scalable solutions. It’s solutions with this kind of mass potential that are exactly what we go for in our San Francisco seed program. Here are some of the companies in our current batch who are aiming to challenge the ways these industries function and monetize.
In the music streaming economy, play count is the foundation of royalty revenues paid. How many times a song gets played determines the music label and artists’ cut of advertising revenue and subscription fees generated by each streaming service.
Beatdapp found that there were many discrepancies between the reported and actual streaming play counts across 600+ global services. Beatdapp integrates with streaming services to accurately track and authenticate songs played globally to eliminate play count tracking errors, reduce the administrative costs related to audits, and help detect fraudulent plays from stream farms.
Their CEO, Andrew Batey explained to us that they “aren’t looking to disintermediate the market. Instead, our mission is to provide music labels, distributors, and streaming services with the technology required to be successful in today’s new streaming economy.”